Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The beach trip

                                       The Beach

This was the most beautiful place I’d ever seen. The sand was hot and smooth. The ocean went from baby blue to turquoise then nothing was left….. just the ocean that went on and on forever. The waves blasted out onto the sand, people jumped in the water off  the sides of boats, canoes slowly slid off into the water and jet skis pulled people on their boards. In the far distance I saw a gigantic ship and imagined that it was The Titanic sinking. Beach balls bounced from person to person in the nice cooling and refreshing water.  The hot sun reflected off the scrumptious sausages grilling on the beach. My brother was shifting out on the huge waves. Close by, there was a nice warm lake with rocks surrounding it. Behind the lake there was a colossal cave but even in the daytime it looked pitch black. Next to the cave, where there were no rocks, was sand.  In the sand was a hole that had the water from the lake rising up through it. However, the water didn’t rise up through the sand in any other places, which was intriguing.

Idyllic, dreamy and relaxing… the beach was a beautiful place to experience.

By Tunde.