Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Task - To write a recount about an event from our holidays

 Zip Lining in Rotorua

As I looked out of the small, blurry window , the secret was revealed, we were going zip lining. There in the car with me was my mum and my brother. When we stopped, I jumped out of the car in excitement. The place was huge, I saw multiple coloured harnesses with zips slow and fast attached.

When we all finished putting our harnesses on, we bundled in the van.  Some other people were waiting in the van too. Soon we were at the forest, we had a long bush walk before we finally got to the first platform.

It was soon my turn, but suddenly I felt scared because of the height and elasticity of the zipline.  As they clipped me up on the zipline, I opened my eyes and before I even knew it I was flying like a bird.  

As soon as everybody had their turn we moved on to the bridge. All of the adults found it scary but I thought it was amazing, especially with the view below and above. The wood looked old and soggy as if there had been a tremendous storm.  

The next zipline was so adventurous and mesmerising.  You could let your arms wave about and call out bird sounds. Finally we reached the longest and the best zipline. My brother and I had to tuck up into a ball so we definitely had enough speed to reach the end.

Soon the adventure was over.  We took a group photo then we had a long walk back to the big, white van.  The adventure was fantastic, awesome and fun. I hope I can go zip lining again soon.